Friday, September 28, 2018

Stay Happy :)

Sometimes, life isn't perfect. Sometimes, something that you thought was going to be really fun, turns out to be a total flop. Sometimes, that person you thought was your friend can end up doing something that hurts you. Sometimes you totally fail a test that you thought you did well on. Life happens, and a lot of life are these dissapointments that you didn't want, and sometimes, at the end of the day, you will find yourself saying... 

"But that wasn't how it was supposed to be..." 

These days can just drag you down and through the mud, and I know how it feels, I've had those day too. And I know also, that when this happens, sometimes all you want to do is dwell in misery,  because there's no reason to be happy anyways, right?

But what if, in our moment of misery and self pity, we sat up and looked out the window, and saw how gorgeous the sunset is? Or what if you paused to think about the adorable baby you saw on the bus today, or about that moment last week when you laughed with your friends until you couldn't breath. Maybe, we'll start to see, that even though things seem pretty bad right now, and life can seem so unfair, that you still have all those little, seemingly insignificant moments that happen to somehow, make your day a little brighter.

That amazing new song you just discovered, a rain storm, an impromptu road trip, getting your favorite drink at the coffee shop, that one friend who has the most amazing smile, rainbows, that new plot twist you just thought of for your book, that sweet "I miss you" text, that cute dress you found at the thrift store, freshly washed sheets, a new book, that OTP moment that makes you squeal and scrunch up your face because they are just sooooo adorable!!! All those little things that make you happy when you think of them, all those silly little reasons to keep smiling!!

I recently discovered a photographer whose work I really, really like, though that's aside the point. At the end of the caption in all of his posts, he finishes with the words "Stay Happy". And I love that. Life may be tearing us down, and things may not be going the way we want, but you can always find some small reason to stay happy. Maybe your drive to work was nice, maybe your outfit is on point, maybe you saw a really cute dog. If you try hard enough, there's always something to be happy about. 

And if today sucked, and nothing went the way it was supposed to, and you couldn't find a reason to smile, because we do occasionally run into awful days like that, just remember, in the words of our dear Anne Shirley, "Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it."

And on top of all this, always remember that we have a loving Father who knows what he is doing. He has a plan for our lives and every bad day and failed test is just a step he is using to bring you one step closer to where he wants you. Our Jesus suffered such pain and torture, he had nails put into his hands and feet FOR US because HE LOVES US. That right there is reason in itself to be happy.

So my dear friends, I hope this post might help you a little bit next time you are having an awful day. Please remember that there is always something in this world, no matter how small, that can give you reason to smile. Stay Happy :)

Yours Truly,
Miss Woodhouse


  1. Miss Woodhouse, this was beautiful and I needed it and loved it and I will remember it!
    Thank you! :D <3
    Hope you're happy. :)

    1. Awwwww Cordy!!! You have no idea how happy your comment made me!!! Thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3 I'm so glad!! :D

      I am indeed :) Thank you so much for your sweet comment Dear!!

  2. This post was really encouraging! Love those two pictures (the doughnuts make me hungry!) :D

    1. Thank you so much Brooklyne!! Haha yes, they do look really good, don' they ;)

  3. This post was so beautiful and encouraging, Miss Woodhouse! Thanks so much for sharing. <3

    (Also, your blog layout is so lovely!!)

    1. Awww thank you Molly!! I'm glad you liked it! <3 :)

      Thank you so much dear!! <3


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