Saturday, June 20, 2020

Some Thoughts on the new Emma

Well Friends. I went back and forth quite a bit on whether I wanted to actually see this movie or not. The preview did not look very promising, and it appeared as though they were trying to turn my dear Emma into, well... a spoof. So I was very apprehensive going into this.

Yesterday I caved and watched it. 

And... I didn't hate it. I actually quite enjoyed much of it.

Does it replace my beloved 2009, Ramola Garai, Absolute Perfection, Johnny Lee Miller aka THE KNIGHTLEY, Emma? 

No it does not. 

But. I liked it more than I was expecting too. 

I will try to keep this post organized, but it will probably end up being a thought dump, so please bare with me.

To start, the overall aesthetic of the movie was veeeeery lovely. The colors, the houses, the clothes, the scenery, I loved it a lot. In fact, that was probably my favorite part of the whole movie. Nice aesthetics always make me happy, and as far as I am concerned, this movie nailed it in that department. 

Let's move onto Emma. This particular Emma was definitely a little too... sharp for my liking. And I don't mean that in a mean way, Anya Taylor-Joy is just not what I picture Emma to look like. Also, what was with the tight, miniscule curls? Those were a little weird. 

However, I certainly didn't dislike her portrayal of Emma. But I did find that her Emma was much more dislikable as a character. I don't know if this was a good thing or not. Even Jane Austen believed that not many people would like Emma. And half of the point of this story is to see Emma go through a character transformation from self centered, slightly spoiled young lady to someone who genuinely cares about others and their feelings. And while we do see this, I don't feel like the change was as noticeable as it could have been. Emma only got a little bit nicer, and a little bit more conscientious of others. But I didn't feel like the ultimate transformation was there.

However, I did really like other aspects of Emma's character, including the relationship between her and Miss Taylor, as well as her and Harriet. We got to see a much softer and emotional side of Emma. Her love for Miss Taylor was really very sweet, and her friendship with Harriet was much more genuine, and I really appreciated that!

There were several little vignette's that gave us a peep into Emma and Harriet's friendship and I really liked those scenes. It showed us that there was more to their relationship than Emma just wanting someone as a plaything. She genuinely cared about Harriet and their relationship, which I think was a very nice touch. 

On that note, I was much more inclined to like this Harriet. She was very sweet and naive, but she seemed a little less stupid then the other Harriet's I have seen, which was refreshing. (But also, her obsession with Mr. Elton, was slightly creepy...?)

And I feel it should be noted, even though he's a minor character, that Mr. Weston was much more likable in this adaptation! He came off as bit silly and stupid in the 2009 Emma, but I really liked him in this one! and no it is not just because he is played by Lestrade whom I also happen to love. that has nothing whatsoever to do with it. what a notion. 


Mr. Woodhouse was also rather funny. I quite enjoyed his character. I found his first little entrance hop quite amusing. Also his barricade of fire shields was funny. And that is all I have to say on his account.

As for Mr. Elton, you couldn't even see his face behind that collar that was something like two feet tall. But he was a good Mr. Elton. I just found it irritating that he had no neck to speak of.  

And of course, we mustn't forget Mr. Knightley.


I honestly can't make up my mind. There were many times when I did like him (the badly done scene was well done, if you will. haha.) But there were other times when he just wasn't working for me. Maybe it was because I couldn't even really tell what his face looked like behind all that shaggy hair and two foot collar...? I don't know. But for now, Johnny Lee Miller will continue to remain intact as THE Mr. Knightley. 

And it should be noted that I Am Concerned. What, if I may ask, the heck was with the bare rear ends??? 

That is not cool. No one needs that. So please, movie producers, chill.  

Also, can we talk about the proposal scene? They almost had it!! They were so close! I almost loved it! And then... and then...

HeR NoSe sTarTs tO blEEd??? 

Whaaaaat was that??

Weird, that's what it was. 

I also have very mixed opinions of the soundtrack. There were several times when it was just a rather loud choir singing old hymns and folk songs and while in a different movie I think I would have liked it, it just really didn't fit here. Whenever it was instrumental music I thought the soundtrack was lovely, but the loud singing was not for me. 

And that draws us to a close. It seems that I have a few more negatives than positives on my list, but I promise that I do not despise it. All in all, there was actually quite a bit here that was Good Stuff. I would certainly watch it again simply for the pleasing aesthetic, but I also wouldn't mind seeing it again just because I did find myself enjoying it quite a bit.

So! Have you seen the new Emma and what are your thoughts? Do you have a favorite adaptation? Let's chat!

Yours Truly, 
Miss Woodhouse

Friday, June 12, 2020

Some Sherlock Fan Videos + Blog Party Wrap Up

Hello again! I apologize for dropping off the edge of the earth at the end of the blog party, but life got a little crazy for me. However, I'm back now, and even though it is a little late, I'm going to write one last Sherlock centered post, and then give you a lovely little wrap up of what took place!

So, because this post is a little late, I'm going to keep it simple, and just share a few of my favorite Sherlock fanvideos!

I am suuuuch a sucker for well done videos, and these videos that I'm going to share have quite a bit of what I consider to be the best of Sherlock, so without further ado...


This one doesn't really need an explanation. The show in general is amazing. As is this video. But I couldn't get the video box to load, so here's a handy dandy link for ya'll. 

"The game is on!"

Sherlock + Molly / John + Mary
All of Me

This video. All the cuteness. My two most favorite couples. Yes yes. 

Sherlock + Molly
I Was Wrong

Another one for these two because I will go down with the ship!!

"The one person who he thought didn't matter at all, was the person who mattered the most."

Sherlock & John
 Brother Let me be Your Shelter

And last, but definitely not least. I didn't get a chance to talk about just how much I love this duo. CUZ I LOVE THEM MUCHLY. Sherlock and John are two completely different people, but it is because of this that they work so well together. Sherlock is the brain and John is the heart. Sherlock brings John out of the dark, and John teaches Sherlock how to feel. Together, the two support and are there for each other in a way that makes my fangirl heart so happy!!

"Sherlock Holmes will solve your murder, but John Watson will save your life."

And with that, The Sherlock BBC Blog Party draws to a close! Thank you so much to everyone who participated! I loved reading all your posts and getting to fangirl with all you fellow Sherlockians :) As promised here is a list of everyone who joined in...

Thank you again all you lovely people!

Yours Truly, Miss Woodhouse