And... I didn't hate it. I actually quite enjoyed much of it.
Does it replace my beloved 2009, Ramola Garai, Absolute Perfection, Johnny Lee Miller aka THE KNIGHTLEY, Emma?
No it does not.
But. I liked it more than I was expecting too.
I will try to keep this post organized, but it will probably end up being a thought dump, so please bare with me.
To start, the overall aesthetic of the movie was veeeeery lovely. The colors, the houses, the clothes, the scenery, I loved it a lot. In fact, that was probably my favorite part of the whole movie. Nice aesthetics always make me happy, and as far as I am concerned, this movie nailed it in that department.
Let's move onto Emma. This particular Emma was definitely a little too... sharp for my liking. And I don't mean that in a mean way, Anya Taylor-Joy is just not what I picture Emma to look like. Also, what was with the tight, miniscule curls? Those were a little weird.
However, I did really like other aspects of Emma's character, including the relationship between her and Miss Taylor, as well as her and Harriet. We got to see a much softer and emotional side of Emma. Her love for Miss Taylor was really very sweet, and her friendship with Harriet was much more genuine, and I really appreciated that!
There were several little vignette's that gave us a peep into Emma and Harriet's friendship and I really liked those scenes. It showed us that there was more to their relationship than Emma just wanting someone as a plaything. She genuinely cared about Harriet and their relationship, which I think was a very nice touch.
On that note, I was much more inclined to like this Harriet. She was very sweet and naive, but she seemed a little less stupid then the other Harriet's I have seen, which was refreshing. (But also, her obsession with Mr. Elton, was slightly creepy...?)
And I feel it should be noted, even though he's a minor character, that Mr. Weston was much more likable in this adaptation! He came off as bit silly and stupid in the 2009 Emma, but I really liked him in this one!
Mr. Woodhouse was also rather funny. I quite enjoyed his character. I found his first little entrance hop quite amusing. Also his barricade of fire shields was funny. And that is all I have to say on his account.
As for Mr. Elton, you couldn't even see his face behind that collar that was something like two feet tall. But he was a good Mr. Elton. I just found it irritating that he had no neck to speak of.
And of course, we mustn't forget Mr. Knightley.
I honestly can't make up my mind. There were many times when I did like him (the badly done scene was well done, if you will. haha.) But there were other times when he just wasn't working for me. Maybe it was because I couldn't even really tell what his face looked like behind all that shaggy hair and two foot collar...? I don't know. But for now, Johnny Lee Miller will continue to remain intact as THE Mr. Knightley.
And it should be noted that I Am Concerned. What, if I may ask, the heck was with the bare rear ends???
Also, can we talk about the proposal scene? They almost had it!! They were so close! I almost loved it! And then... and then...
HeR NoSe sTarTs tO blEEd???
Whaaaaat was that??
Weird, that's what it was.
I also have very mixed opinions of the soundtrack. There were several times when it was just a rather loud choir singing old hymns and folk songs and while in a different movie I think I would have liked it, it just really didn't fit here. Whenever it was instrumental music I thought the soundtrack was lovely, but the loud singing was not for me.
So! Have you seen the new Emma and what are your thoughts? Do you have a favorite adaptation? Let's chat!
Yours Truly,
Miss Woodhouse