Hello Friends! I'm back from my unintentional break! I was tagged for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Olivia from Meanwhile in Rivendell, and Grace and Katherine from The Maidens of Green Gables. Thank you so much Ladies!!
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you in the blog post and link back to their blog. (done :D)
2. Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
3. Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
4. List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
Olivia's Questions
1. If you had to spend a year in any place in the world, where would it be?
Hmmm, do fictional worlds count? If they do, I'm going to go with Narnia :)
2. Who is someone you look up to in life?
My mom for sure.
3. What is your favorite history fact/story?
I've always been super fascinated by Abigail Adams. There is no particular story about her, but I've always loved learning about her as a person.
4. What's a new interest that you've discovered?
Pinterest-ing, maybe? I really love creating aesthetic boards for characters I love, as well as storyboarding, and just in general making my boards look pretty. It's very satisfying :)
If you'd like to take a peek...
5.What would you sing at Karoke Night?
Love is an Open Door. I think that would be a fun one to belt.
6. What historical event would you have liked to witness firsthand if you could have?
The end of World War 2.
7. Would you rather learn how to keep bees and harvest honey or learn the uses for all the different wild herbs, plants and trees?
I'd rather deal with herbs, plants and trees. Dealing with bees would make me to nervous.
8. What are two of your pet peeves?
9. Do you collect anything?
I collect small things that remind me of events, or days that I enjoyed. Things like ticket stubs, seashells, and flowers.
10. What motivates you to work hard?
I work the hardest for something if I'm really really excited and passionate about the end result.
11. What movie quotes do you use on a regular basis?
Oh, sooooo many...
"What are you talking of? I MUST have my share in the conversation!!"
"What do you think I am, dumb or something?"
"Throw it in the wash, it'll be grand."
"Tell Carson to bring the tea."
"I am in....Vancouver."
"Oh how the turntables."
"Ohhh, NOW I understand."
And that is just a few of them... ;)
My Questions for You!
1.) If you could be a fictional book character, who would you be and why?
2.) If money were not a problem, what would your dream job be?
3.) Describe your aesthetic in five words.
4.) Long hair or short hair?
5.) If you could only watch one tv show for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?
6.) Favorite way to spend a quiet day?
7.) Who is your OTP couple that always give you the fuzzies, and why do they procure said fuzzies?
8.) Dress it up or dress it down?
9.) Do you have specific books or movies you like to read or watch during a specific season? (i.e. books/movies that make you think AUTUMN, SPRING, etc...)
10.) Tell us one of your inside jokes, but don't explain it :)
And I tag...
MovieCritic @ Movies Meet Their Match
Thunderbird Queen @ The Winchester North Star
Cordy @ Any Merry Little Thought
Natalie @ Ramblings of a Redhead Girl
Bella @ Wanderlust and Story Dust
Beth @ Beth in Boots
Anna @ Bookends and Bwopper Eels
Ceci @ Ceci Creates
Mem @ Music, Mystery, Middle Earth and Mitochondria
Mary @ Sunshine and Scribblings
Hannah @ Joy and Wildflowers
I can't wait to see all your answers (no pressure of course ;)) Also YOU GUUUUUYYYYYSSS IT'S OFFICIALLY FALL AND I'M SO HAPPY!!!! Anybody else over-the-top excited!?
Yours Truly, Miss Woodhouse