Saturday, February 03, 2018

Lovely Blog Party Kick Off!!

Lizzie! Mama! Guess what! Oh you'll never guess so I shall tell you! Mrs. Forrester has invited me as her particular friend.... Oh wait... I believe that's the wrong announcement...

What I meant to say, is that Cordy is hosting a Lovely Blog Party for the entire month of February!!

*Throws confetti and blows up some of Gandalf's fireworks*

So! You can go to Cordy's blog for all the details, but basically, we are all going to be writing about some of our favorite couples for all of February (cause y'know, Valentines Day and stuff ;))! I'm super excited, so to kick it off, I'm going to start by filling out the lovely tag that Cordy created!

Using the prompts below, answer the following questions as creatively as you please
None of the questions require you to answer with a favorite in the category, only to find a fitting answer. They can be old, they can be new, they can be borrowed or they can be blue... they can be known or they can be unknown. You can explain your answer once you've given one.

Ivanhoe and Rebecca: Name a couple that should have been together

Oh, this one's a no brainer for me. Bella and Vernon from This Beautiful Fantastic should have toootally been a couple. I believe I have mentioned my opinion on this before, but one can never talk to much of good thing (or what could have been a good thing *ahem* scriptwriters!!!) They were super cute together and I think Vernon kind of liked her, but unfortunately, Bella's affections were already taken *sigh* Alas for what could have been!!

Jo and Laurie: Name a couple that should have stayed friends...or did stay friends...

Ummm... I kinda drawing a blank on this one. Alf Arliss and Laura Timmins maybe? Although I don't think Laura ever felt that way about Alfie, Alfie liked her for awhile. And they always remained good friends, even when Laura told Alfie that she could never feel that way about him. And I'm glad it worked out that way, because later Alfie found a much better match whom I will talk about in a minute!

Jane and Mr. Rochester: Name a couple that looked like the chances of a happily ever after were next to none!

These two! Elinor and Edward had a bit of a bumpy road to romance, because Edward was a little on the silly side in his younger years and proposed to Lucy Steele (whatever was he thinking!) But it seems Lucy's affections took a little turn, to everybody's satisfaction, and Elinor and Edward got their happy ending :)

Jane and Mr. Bingley: Name a couple that is just sooo happy!

Umm, I think I'm gonna go with Emma and Mr. Knightley. This gif totally shows it, they are so in love. I love these two, so sweet!!

Kit and Ella: Name your favorite fairytale couple

I've got the same answer as you Cordy! I looooove Kit and Ella. They give me happy fuzzies!!

Molly Gibson and Roger Hamley: Name a couple where the woman is basically ignored by the suitor until the end of the story (frustration at it's finest!! :P :P)

Amy Dorrit and Arthur Clennam. Oh, poor, poor Amy!! I feel so sorry for her. She is the sweetest thing, and she really deserved his love. And I really liked Arthur too, but come one! Like poor John Chivery says, "How do you not know it! The walls in this room know it!" *sniffles for poor John* Anyways, they did get a happy ending, though it took them awhile to get there!

Sarah and Jacob Witting: Name a couple that found love later in life

I think I'm gonna go with Dorcas Lane and Gabriel Cochrane. I could never quite decide if I liked Gabriel or not, but I was glad that he and Dorcas ended up together. They made a cute couple :D Also, there is a shocking lack of pictures of them together, so I had to settle for separate picture of each. *sigh* 

Don Lockwood and Kathy Seldon: Name a couple from a musical

I'm gonna go with P.T. Barnum and Charity. I loved their relationship sooo much. They were absolutely adorable.

(I love Kathy Seldon and Don Lockwood too, but Cordy stole it ;))

Anne and Gilbert: Name a couple that didn't start out on the right foot

Kathleen Kelly and Joe Fox! These two are hilarious!! And what makes it so funny, is that they are best friends online, but when they meet in person (without knowing that they are each others internet friends) they hate each other!! But of course, they eventually grow on each other ;)

Faramir and Eowyn: Name a couple with the sweetest love story

MINNIE AND ALFIE FROM LARKRISE TO CANDLEFORD!!! THESE TWO!!!!! They are so stinkin adorable!! I will say no more, because I plan to devote a post to them sometime during this blog party!

So, what do you think? Who are some of your guy's favorite couples? Any of the above mentioned? Thanks so much for this awesome tag Cordy!! I had a great time filling it out, and I hope to have some other blog party posts out soon! TTFN, ta ta for now!!


  1. Haha! That annoucement!!!!

    Kathleen and Joe are great. :D

    Nice answers!

    1. Haha thank you! XD

      Aren't they great!!

      Thank you! :)

  2. Very enjoyable post! I totally agree with most of these. :) I might try to do this on my blog!

  3. What a pity you're only filling out my tag instead of going to Brighton. Well, I am glad that you didn't seem too disappointed in just doing the tag. ;)

    I rather like the idea that I haven't seen "This Beautiful Fantastic" because I can just watch that scene you mentioned in your post awhile ago, and just imagine they do end up together. That's enough for me.

    Elinor and Edward, of course!

    You too? I was torn on the Gabriel pairing as well. I'm not alone! :D

    Yeah, "You've Got Mail" is pretty great. Hahaha.

    YES!! Minnie and Alfie!!! They are SUPER sweet!! Are you really making a post for them?! Wonderful!!

    *clapping* this was very fun to read, Miss Woodhouse. :)

  4. HAHAHA, I loved that announcement mix-up, so hilarious!

    Your answers were so adorable :)) I love Edward and Elinor as well as Kit and Ella <3


  5. Yesyesyes!!! Your answers are spot on!!!

  6. Hey, we both picked Elinor & Edward for number 3! (I was waiting to read other people's answers until after I had done the tag myself, but you know what they say about great minds...)

    Aaw! I almost said P.T. & Charity. They were so sweet!! :)

  7. Awww. Bella and Vernon sound really sweet.

    Alf and Laura!! Yes. Good choice. They were definitely better as friends. And yes. Alf found a perfect match in Minnie. I agree.

    Awwww. Poor Amy!! I'm so glad she and Arthur finally got together. (But then John. Oh don't even go there...*cries*)

    Kathleen Kelly and Joe Fox, that's from You've Got Mail, right? I've never seen it, but we have Shop Around the Corner which is the older version of that story. That gif is hilarious!! :D

    YEEES! Alf and Minnie are soooo cute! The annoying thing is though, the last time I watched through the series I found myself actually getting annoyed at them in the fourth season. Like they were so cute and perfect for each other in the third season, but once the fourth rolled around I feel like whoever was writing the script was not doing justice to their characters anymore. It's hard to explain but all Minnie seemed to think about was kissing and I feel like there was so much more to her than that in season three. Did you notice any change in the character development in the fourth season? Maybe it was just the mood I was in at the time. I don't know.

    Well you mentioned two of my favorite couples in this post and that would be Emma and Mr. Knightley and Amy and Arthur Clennam. Love them!!! <3 <3

    This was a delightful post, Miss Woodhouse. I really enjoyed reading it!! :D

    ~Miss March

  8. I totally adored amy dorrit, that arthur! I think he does know her feeling or his feeling but somehow ignored it because he thinks he's too old for her. he supports her in his little ways that makes me think so. poor john though...

    good list.

    have a lovely day.

  9. PERFECT ANSWERS YES. Bella and Vernon. <3 Yes, Vernon definitely liked her. I have decided. *nods*

    (Also, I forgot to mention in my last comment that a review of The Greatest Showman will be awesome!!)


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