Sunday, September 02, 2018

Summer 2018

Salutations everybody!!

Well, I have officially started school...

Has anyone else's summer gone by ridiculously fast!?

This summer has been different than most summers I've had. For starters, I got my first ever REAL JOB at the end of the school year, so a lot of these three months I spent working.

Secondly, my friends and I have all reached the ages where everyone is starting to head off for college. About 1/2 of my friends are leaving for college this year, several of them going to colleges that are really really far away. 

I'm still taking classes at our community college, so moving away isn't quite here yet. It will probably several years more for me. It's still weird though, to see a lot of really great friends head off.   

But all that aside, here is a basic summer recap :)


All the lovely things of Summer that there are to enjoy :)

Swimming with friends, backpacking trips, frozen yogurt stops, starry nights, bike rides, church picnics, and swing dances

Also, kinda been going nuts over aesthetics lately, especially aesthetic pictures. I don't know why, but they just make me unreasonable happy ^.^


Downton Abbey

So my sister and I are watching this series for the first time, and OH GOODNESS I LOVE IT!!!

It tends to be dramatic, and I definitely would not recommend it for younger viewers, but that aside, it is a lovely, lovely period drama!!! 

The costumes are stunning, the houses are gorgeous, and I love the characters, save for the nasty few *throws very large version of the dictionary at Miss O'Brien and Thomas* (I despise those two sooooo much)

We are halfway through season two now. And I must know, but does anyone ship Sybil and Branson as stinkin' hard as I do?? I mean, the two of them are just.... just...aslkjghsejrhglw!!!! I LOVES THEM AND I WISH THEY WOULD JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY AND THAT SYBIL'S FAMILY WOULDN'T DISOWN HER IF THEY DID!!!!! *sobs*

Christopher Robin

I just saw this in the theaters and may I saw that it is one of the cutest movies I have ever seen!!! I absolutely loved it!! It was sweet, it was endearing, and who doesn't love Winnie the Pooh?! If you haven't already seen it, then you should!

(also Haley Atwell is gorgeous and was born to play a woman of the 40's!)


So I'm super excited to say that I am a chapter away from finishing my first ever novel!! 

I'm still working on my Peter Pan WIP that I mentioned awhile back, and it's come so far since the beginning, and I couldn't be more excited, though rather sad at the same time, to be nearly done with it!

When it's finished I definitely will be doing a post about it, and perhaps I'll share some excerpts :)

//Listening to//

Thought I might as well provide the links to a few of my favorites!

For You to Be Here; Tom Rosenthal

Thiiiis sooooong!!! It's so lovely, do listen to it!!

Rain; Simply Three

Anything instrumental is lovely, and I love the sound of rain in the background.

This is Why I Need You; Jess Rubin

Such a sweet song!!

Also lots of Owl City, Ed Sheeran, Lindsey Stirling, Sleeping at Last, The Chainsmokers, The Piano Guys, and Coldplay.

So there you have it!! A basic recap of my Summer!! 

And so school begins. Despite being sad to have to leave the laziness of Summer behind, I'm actually excited about this new school year! I have friends in many of my classes, which is always a blessing, and it will be nice to see school friends whom I haven't seen in awhile.

Btw, in case you haven't already noticed, I've changed my blog look! I actually changed it at the beginning of summer, But I haven't posted at all since changing it, so I thought I might as well give it a mention ;)

I promise that I will try to be better about posting!! I've been terribly absent lately, but I hope to be more present here in my little corner of the Internet :)

But for now, I hope you are all having a fabulous school year so far!! Good luck to all of you who are heading off to brave college!!

Tell me what you've been up to!! How was your Summer? How is school going?


  1. So you've joined the Downton fangirl club, eh? GAAAHH! Don't even get me started on Branson & Sybil! My fangirl heart can't take it. <3

    PLEASE do share some posts on your Peter Pan WIP!!

    The summer did go way too quickly. I am wishing now that it had lasted longer, but...oh well. Lovely to see a post from you again, dear! :)

    1. Haha yes, and there's no turning back now XD YAAAAAS GIRL!!! We just watched the episode where Lord Grantham gave them permission to marry and they're so happy, and MY. HEART. CAN'T. TAKE. IT!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

      I definitely will!!

      Didn't it? Same! Awww thank you Elanor!! You made me smile :) <3

  2. I love, love, LOVE the new header!! It's gorgeous. I really like the way you framed each picture, and the burgundy tones with the white background is so lovely! You're making me want to redo my blog look. (But I'd better not right now or I might copy you, haha. ;))

    OF COURSE I SHIP BRANSON AND SYBIL!!! Who wouldn't? They're just the sweetest. And probably my favorite couple in the whole entire series. <3 <3

    I really want to see Christopher Robin. I've heard so many good things about it.

    It's so good to hear from you again, Miss Woodhouse. Take care, and have a marvelous, marvelous school year!

    ~Miss March

    1. Aww thank you so much Miss March!!! Haha I often have that problem ;)

      YEEEESSS I LOVE THEM SO MUUUUUCH!!!! Same!!! All time favorite couple <3 <3 <3

      Oh you definitely should, it's such a sweet movie!

      Thank you so much!! I'm glad to be posting again!! Thank you and same to you dear!!:D

  3. Summer did fly by so fast! Loved the pictures for this post!


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