Sunday, May 06, 2018

Camp NaNoWriMo Wrap Up: How I Did, What I Wrote, All The Good Stuff

I'm alive!!!! Guess who dissapeared for more than a month without being polite and informing ya'll...

I do have a good excuse though. I participated in Camp NaNo for the first time ever!!! It was so great! I actually for real got some writing done!!

So how'd it all go...

(Also please ignore all the purple words in this post, blogger is being schnibly unto me and won't let me change them back to black)

 What I Wrote 

I worked on my Peter Pan story that I mentioned in this post, and I'm really happy to find myself getting so into this story. I'm not a consistent write. I will usually get about two chapters into a story before I get discouraged and quit. I didn't want that to be the case with this book, because I really liked this idea, and I wanted to finally see myself finish a book.

At the beginning of the month I was in a real writing rut. I'd reached a point where I didn't know where to go. So after staring at the screen for forever, I finally had to tell myself that I was never gonna reach my word count if all I did was nothing. So I just started by putting one word down at a time. A lot of it sounded boring, and a little discombobulated, but at least I was writing. 

After that I was doing pretty well, until I realized that I had no idea where I was going with this story. I had absolutely. no. plot...

So after doing much of the above, I enlisted the help of a fellow writing friend, and my sister (who, by the way, is killer at thinking up plots), and we finally ended up putting together a plot that I think is a pretty good!! It's very intricate, and intricate plots are always the best!! :D Anyone else out there who loves writing really tricky, intertwined plots?

So a little advice ladies. Never, EVER, start a book without at least vaguely knowing what your plot is going to be. It will save you much toil and tears, and set you up for success in your future life! 

 How I Did 

So because this was my first year doing NaNo, I decided to start slow, and set my word count goal for 20,000. School was also a big factor for deciding this because I didn't want to get no where near 50k and then feel discouraged because I didn't make it. So 20k was a good in-between. 

I happen to be the slowest writer I know. So I was a little worried about not getting anywhere near my goal. Somedays I got lucky, and the words came, and ideas flowed easily, and it was just like...

And then other days are more like...

In the end, I finished with 9 chapters, 40 pages, and 15,181 words. That wasn't my goal, BUT GUYS, that is the largest word count I've ever had in any of my books!! I went back and looked at a story I was working on when I was about 14, and was my most worked in WIP yet. It only had 7,000 words. I've passed that up by more than 8,000 words!!! 

I'm pretty proud of what I completed, I hope to actually finish this book before the next Camp NaNo rolls around, so that I can work on another WIP. (I should say one of her Ladyship's WIP's, for there are several...) ;)

Also, THREE WEEKS TILL SCHOOL IS FINISHED!!! I'm soooo ready to be done and start my summer. I need to do a lately post sometime soon, so we'll see if I get around to that. Also I want to do a post on my Peter Pan WIP. Like character overviews, music inspiration, excerpts, stuff like that. Let me know if ya'll would like to see any of these kind of posts!!

Sorry I haven't been commenting on anyone's posts lately!! I do read them, I'm just a little bit too busy to take the time to comment right now. I'm going to try and catch up on it though!!

So did any of you do Camp? How'd it go for you? I've gotta go revise an essay now, but let us not say goodbye, but as the French have it, Au Revoir!!


  1. Congrats on Camp NaNoWriMo! I didn't do it this April... Kind of forgot it was happening until it was too late to start...

    1. Thanks Madeline!! Haha I forgot too and ended up starting a few days late XD

  2. That is so awesome, Miss Woodhouse!!

    I discovered that I was a very slow writer too. My first Camp last July? Only 6000 words. How pathetic of me, LOL.

    Excellent job!


    1. You too! Lol, well for being a slow writer that's actually pretty good, especially with schoolwork, and life in general thrown in the mix ;)

      Thanks Catherine!!

  3. Ooh, yes, please to a post introducing us more to your Peter Pan story! I'd love to read that. :)


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